Increase in Nova Scotia
car insurance profits since 2019
You deserve to be treated fairly by your insurance company. Here’s what you can do to try to stop the Government from watering down your benefits to increase insurance company profits.
Be informed about the proposed changes to auto insurance and what they really mean to the insurance industry (more $$), Nova Scotian drivers (less benefits) and accident victims (less help).
Tell them these proposed changes are not necessary, that the insurance companies are profitable, and there is no reason to reduce benefits.
FAIRNS is a coalition of Nova Scotian drivers who are considering the proposed auto insurance reform. Led by Megan Coffin, a car accident injury victim who would have her rights reduced by the proposed reform, FAIRNS seeks to educate the public about the true state of the auto insurance market in Nova Scotia and the consequences to injury victims.
Joining FAIRNS means you will be counted amongst the individuals and organizations that want fair and reasonable auto insurance regulation in Nova Scotia. We don’t want the current proposed changes put in place. We do want improved benefits and protections for accident victims.